Pay Attention to the Little Details in Your Taproom
Apr 29, 2022
I just finished reading The Book of Beautiful Questions, by Warren Berger, and want to issue you a challenge the author dared readers.
Looking at your taproom with a new lens can lead to opportunity.
Take a picture of your workspace, whether the brewhouse or taproom.
Zoom in. Focus on something you haven't paid much attention to.
Find 3 things you've never noticed before.
Now turn each of those 3 things into a question - then see if you can add another question to the original question (Why do I have a massive pile of papers on a clipboard to the left of my desk? How might I reorganize this area to make it more functional?
What did you see? Did you discover any problems worth solving? Did this exercise make you on focus on an aspect often overlooked?
An outside set of eyes and simply looking at your most frequented areas from a different perspective can lead to opportunity.
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