Video: How to Make Your New Year's Resolutions Stick

increase taproom sales taproom finances Dec 30, 2021

Setting goals is easy, sticking with them is hard.

In this post we share a video from our partners at Craft Brewery Financial 

In the video, we'll review goal setting basics, frameworks you can use to organize your goals, and tactics to make them stick.

Get your goals on paper - Your taproom business is counting on you!

Taproom Goal Setting Basics

  • Start with a year-end review
  • Get the goals in writing
  • Get the on the calendar (if you don't schedule it, it won't happen)
  • Learn how to identify the most important goals
  • Use outcome goals (what you want to achieve) in tandem with process goals (what you need to DO in order to hit the goals)

Taproom Goal Setting Frameworks

  • Business Plan
  • Financial Plan
  • SWOT Analysis

Tactics to Make Your Taproom Goals Stick

  • Use scorecards: Quantify the goals, update progress, make them visible to the people who can help achieve the goals
  • Use this 3-step process: Eliminate, automate, delegate. -Tim Ferriss
  • Ask this question regularly: "Does this move me closer to, or further from my goals?" -Zig Ziglar

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